HBA I GBR Membership Application


Ready to take the next step in building your business? Join the association dedicated to representing your needs and interests as a member of the home building industry. Your 3-in-1 membership includes the following associations:


Submit your application online today! 

List company information as you would like it to appear in our membership directory.

PLEASE NOTE: Dues payments to HBA | GBR are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

However, dues payments may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expense, subject to exclusion for lobbying activity (PAC Contributions).

*You may pay your dues by credit card online, phone, mail*

Select An Option

Any person, firm, partnership or corporation whose primary business is providing services to those builder members.

Any person, firm, partnership or corporation whose primary business is the construction or remodeling of single or multi-family housing and/or commercial property.  A Builder Member must hold a Residential and/or Commercial license issued through LSLBC.

Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist
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